Sandra Dean

Sandra Dean

Tieton, Washington
(left) Photo of earth eith clouds, blue oceans, and brown land; (right) Tibetan mandala with concentric colorful circles

Earth from Space

I realized that the story of ourselves as told by science—our cosmology, our religion—was incomplete and likely flawed.
3 min read
Painting of a grape harvest being deposited into large wooden barrels, with vineyards in the upper left

Wine Wisdom

A wise man once said: “It is well worth remembering that there are five reasons to drink good wine: the
7 min read
A montage of six images and photos, in two rows of three, taken from images of past journal posts.

Third Year Renewal

Since October 28, 2022 when I first launched my Art Nun of Central Washington online journal, my Saturday morning, once-a-month
2 min read
Photo of Trimpin and Troy Rogers arms on shoulders in front of yellow Penske truck

Trimpin's Excellent Bon Voyage

“Inspiration exists, but you have to be working…”      —Pablo Picasso, 20th Century From my Tieton loft east window, I can
4 min read
Photo of ancient Greek amphitheater with green fields and snow-capped mountain in background

The Shrine at Dodoni

The shrine at Dodoni was the most ancient of Hellenic oracles, and according to 5th century BCE Greek historian Herodotus,
12 min read
Photo of grey cement patio with long brown bench and red chairs, surrounded by tress, plants, and bamboo

Garden Sanctuaries

This is the third of three posts that explore my love of gardening.
10 min read
Photo of Sandra Dean in middle of display of shovels, trowels, pruners, and other garden tools and supplies

Farm Store Fever

This is the second of three posts that explore my love of gardening.
7 min read
Photo of white iris with yellow-orange interior against background of green plants and small white flowers

Marie’s White Iris

This is the first of three posts that explore my love of gardening.
6 min read
Photo of pink-purple small flowering phlox and yellow balsamroot plants on steppe grassland

Wildflower Wonderlands

Where the Art Nun Walks
6 min read
Photo of elaborate place settings on table with pink fuschia napkins, fruit, white cake, and tea cookies.

Tree Party

A Young Tree Discovery In August of 1974, when I first bought a small 1918’s bungalow in Seattle’s
4 min read